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Jobs to be Done

JTBD Overview

A Job to be Done (JTBD) is a framework, or lens, for viewing products and solutions in terms of the jobs customers are trying to achieve. It's about understanding the goals that people want to accomplish. It lets us step back from our business and understand the objectives of the people we serve. It opens the door to innovation.

We have our own flavor of JTBD and use it throughout the design process, but most notably to:

  • Define scope
  • Validate direction
  • Evaluate existing experiences

JTBD come directly from research and customer conversations with those people who do the tasks/jobs we need to design for.

For a quick how-to, follow the below guidance.

JTBD terminology

First, let's set the terminology we use for JTBD.

  • Job: something a customer wants to accomplish.
  • Job Performer: the person who does the job. Usually, we talk about these people in terms of personas.
  • Task: a step in the process of completing a job.
  • Need: requirements for the job. These can be a system, business, or user requirement. Examples may include words like fast, inexpensive, efficient, less, more, must have, should have.
  • Situation: describes the circumstances a person is in when they need a job done.
  • Outcome: the desired end state and/or feeling that a job performer has for doing a job.
  • Job statement: a succinct statement that brings together the circumstance, goal, and outcome of a job.

How to write JTBD

We write our job statements in the following format:

"When [situation], I want to [job], so I can [outcome]."

All JTBD are based in our past knowledge and user research. This is crucial to ensuring that the job statements are grounded in experience and not theory.

Job statements are different than user stories and tasks. They are designed to be persona, product, and solution agnostic and have a close relationship with user stories and tasks. This allows us to think more deeply about the context, rather than just a role with a goal.


Job statement:

When my development ecosystem begins to mature, I want an overall understanding of my organization’s registries and specific package usage, so I can make effective architectural decisions.

User story:

As an Engineering Leader, I want to know what packages are being used and by which projects, so that I can ensure my team is using the correct versions and not introducing risk into the pipeline.


View a list of packages we use.

In its most basic form, you will have a job statement that is associated with one or more user stories that are made up of multiple tasks. You'll use each of these at different moments within the design process.

Job statements offer a high-level view of the main objective. User stories guide your solutions as you create wireframes and tasks become the steps required to complete the job.

Determining scope of a JTBD

Job statements can be written at different levels or altitudes. For the majority of our work, we write job statements for stage groups as we craft experiences for features or sets of related features.

JTBD can also be written for stage or cross-stage jobs to help determine longer-term product direction.

If you're writing a job statement for your stage group, consider this guiding principle to determine the appropriate altitude: If the job is applicable to more than 3 user types, it's likely the altitude is set too high.

Prioritizing JTBD

Often we find there are many JTBD for one category. Using user research to help determine which JTBD are the most crucial to our users can help when planning for future research, design, and product needs.