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Board Label Description

In Hyletic's project management system, board labels are used to categorize and organize tasks and issues on our boards. Each label represents a specific category or attribute that helps teams understand and prioritize their work. This document provides a comprehensive list of board labels used in Hyletic's project management system, along with their descriptions and usage guidelines.

Board Labels

Engineering Development

  • ENG Dev::Backlog:
  • ENG Dev::Ready:
  • ENG Dev::Work in Progress:
  • ENG Dev::Pool Testing:
  • ENG Dev::Pool Stucked:

Product Design

  • product::research: Issues related to product research
  • product::design: Issues related to product design, including UX, UI design and design testing
  • product::testing: Issues related to product testing
  • product::handbook: Issues related to product handbook


  • Recruitment::resume selection: The specific recruitment work this week is now in the resume selection part.
  • Recruitment::interview1: The specific recruitment work this week is now in the interview1 part.
  • Recruitment::interview2: The specific recruitment work this week is now in the interview2 part.
  • Recruitment::offer check: The specific recruitment work this week is now in the offer check part.
  • Recruitment::weekly check:Some work related to team management doesn't easy to split and it needs to be check weekly, so build this label to track this kind of work and make it done weekly.
  • Recruitment::engineering: The system development work need to be assisted by the ENG department.
  • product::recruitment: issues related to product recruitment.

Process status

  • Backlog
  • Ready
  • Doing
  • Testing
  • Stuck: This label is the basic process status for issues that didn't pass the testing,which needs to be fixed.
  • Done(closed):We usually use closed instead of Done.
  • Process specification: Issue with this label is a documentation ​work about the specific process specification.