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Label meanings



  • brand::corporation: Hyletic inc. brand
  • brand::product: product brand
  • brand::employer: Hyletic employer brand work
  • Backlog:issue process status



  • Doing:issue process status


  • Employee assistance: Anything good to help each employee get an approvement
  • ENG::Android Related: All Related to Android platform (@workflow)
  • ENG::Availability&Stability: All Related to availability and stability (@workflow)
  • ENG::Backend: All Related to Backend ()
  • ENG::BI: All Related to BI system (@workflow)
  • ENG::Bussiness Tech: All Related to building system (@workflow)
  • ENG::CI/CD: All Related to CI/CD (@workflow)
  • ENG::DB: Related to Database (@workflow)
  • ENG::Docs: All Related to documents to ENG (@workflow)
  • ENG::Frontend: All Related to Frontend (@workflow)
  • ENG::Handbook: All Related to handbook of ENG (@workflow)
  • ENG::IM: All Related to message system (@workflow)
  • ENG::Improvement: All Related to function improvement (@workflow)
  • ENG::iOS Related: All Related to iOS platform (@workflow)
  • ENG::AWS: All Related to AWS service (@workflow)
  • ENG::Password: All Related to password (@workflow)
  • ENG::Permission&Authentication: All Related to permission and authentication (@workflow)
  • ENG::Performance: All Related to product performance enhancement (@workflow)
  • ENG::Pose Estimation: All Related to pose estimation (@workflow)
  • ENG::Push Notification: All Related to push notification system (@workflow)
  • ENG::Recommendation System: All Related to recommendation system (@workflow)
  • ENG::Refactor: All Related to refactor modules or functions (@workflow)
  • ENG::Search: All Related to search system (@workflow)
  • ENG::Testing: All Related to building testing system (@workflow)
  • ENG::Workflow: All Related to workflow of ENG (@workflow)
  • Even Tracking: All Related to event tracking (@workflow)


  • FY21: Finance year 2021
  • FY2021-Q2: Finance year 2021, season 2
  • FY2022-Q3: Finance year 2022, season 3


  • growth: related to product growth (@workflow)



  • Intern: Things related to intern's work
  • Interview: Epic or others related to interview



  • KR - 1::POG: (mostly is an epic) POG key result, the most critical KR
  • KR - 2::POG: (mostly is an epic) POG key result, the 2nd critical KR
  • KR - 3::POG: (mostly is an epic) POG key result, the 3rd critical KR
  • KR - 4::POG: (mostly is an epic) POG key result, the 4th critical KR
  • KR - 5::POG: (mostly is an epic) POG key result, the 5th critical KR
  • KR - 6::POG: (mostly is an epic) POG key result, the 6th critical KR
  • KR::ENG: (mostly is an epic) ENG key result
  • KR-1::PR: First priority product KR ()
  • KR-2::PR: Second priority product KR ()
  • KR-3::PR: Third priority product KR ()
  • KR-4::PR: Forth priority product KR ()
  • KR-5::PR: Fifth priority product KR ()
  • KR::Marketing: (mostly is an epic) Marketing key result


  • legal: related to legal and law


  • modification: update the content of the file
  • mk::team :team building of marketing department



  • OKR: The top-level enterprise's objective
    • OKR::POG:The top-level enterprise's objective of POG
    • OKR::PR:Epic related to Product team. Workflow needed
    • OKR::ENG: The top-level enterprise's objective of ENG
  • Onboarding: Epic or others related to onboarding


  • PHCM: All Related to Portal Hiker Content Management System (@workflow)
  • PHCM::Backend: All Related to PHCM Backend (@workflow)
  • PHCM::Frontend: All Related to PHCM Frontend (@workflow)
  • POG: Epic or others related to POG
  • POG:: priority 1: Highest priority of POG OKR
  • POG:: priority 2: 2nd priority of POG OKR
  • POG:: priority 3: 3rd priority of POG OKR
  • POG:: priority 4: 4th priority of POG OKR
  • POG:: priority 5: 5th priority of POG OKR
  • PR::priority 1: 1st priority of Product OKR
  • PR::priority 2: second priority of Product OKR
  • PR::priority 3:third priority of Product OKR
  • Product OKR: Epic related to Product team. Workflow needed (@workflow)
  • product launch: related to product lauch (@workflow)
  • product::demo: related to product demo (@workflow)
  • product assessment: related to product team members' performance assessment (@workflow)
  • product::design: related to product design (@workflow)
  • product::handbook: related to product handbook (@workflow)
  • product content : content cold-start; management of product
  • product users: user management; cold-start; community work



  • Recruitment: Epic or others related to recruitment
  • Risk: All related to risk. (@workflow)
  • Roadmap: related to roadmaps
  • Recruitment::Ready: This issue is ready to be done and have a clear due date. (No need to hang this label for weekly periodic work)
  • Recruitment::Working: This issue is being solving done or weekly work is processing.
  • Recruitment::Test: The merge request about this issue is submitted and it's ready to be checked. If the issue is solved, it should be closed. (No need to hang this label for weekly periodic work)
  • Ready:issue process status


  • Security: All Related to security (@workflow)
  • Srucked:issue process status


  • Team okr: For team okr (@epic work flow)
  • testing: related to testing (@workflow)
  • Training: All kinds of training for someone new to specific work


  • Unplanned: Anything that has not been planned



  • Workflow: Epic or others related to a standard workflow

  • workflow::data analysis: related to product data analysis (@workflow)

  • workflow::problem validation: related to problem validation (@workflow)

  • workflow::solution validation: related to solution validation (@workflow)

  • workflow::ux design: related to UX design (@workflow)

  • workflow::ux research: related to UX research (@workflow)

  • workflow::ui design: related to UI design (@workflow)



