The First Week of Onboarding
This questionnaire is anonymous. After answering, you need to send a screenshot of the ending page to your onboarding assistant. There is no way to get your personal information throughout the process, so please make your honest answer :).
The first part in week one
- Before the welcome meeting, are you clear about the agenda? (10 means very clear, 1 means know nothing)
- Do you think the welcome meeting helps you to understand Hyletic? (10 means very helpful, 1 means nothing to help)
- After the welcome meeting, how do you feel about the image of Hyletic? (10 means becomes extremely good, 1 means becomes extremely bad)
- In what aspects do you think the welcome meeting can be more demonstrated or enhanced? (Multiple choice)
- Company Culture
- Company products and business
- Company group structure
- Incentive mechanisms
- Details of how to be a regular employee
- Legal risks that may be involved during the job
- Contract signing details
- Icebreaking session
- Other_
- None
- How difficult do you think the pre-day onboarding task is? (10 means very difficult, 1 means very easy)
- How do you think the time the pre-day onboarding task costs? (10 means too long, 1 means too short)
-Is there anything of the pre-day onboarding task unreasonable?
- No
- Yes: ___
- Do you think the tutorial of GitLab workflow can help you get started with GitLab? (10 means very useful, 1 means nothing to help)
- In which aspects do you think the tutorial of GitLab workflow can be more demonstrated or enhanced? (Multiple choice)
- Why choosing GitLab
- The relationship between issue, epic, milestone, etc.
- The relationship between GitLab, sourcetree, and other software or services
- How to create an issue
- How to carry out your daily work locally
- How to submit a merge request
- How to check your work
- Basic knowledge of git
- Other_
- None
- When you read the documents related to the role and warm-up task on day1, how much did you read at most? (10 means read all documents, 1 means read nothing)
- How difficult do you think the onboarding task for the day1 is? (10 means very difficult, 1 means very easy)
- How do you think the time day1 onboarding task costs? (10 means too long, 1 means too short)
- Is there anything of day1 onboarding task unreasonable?
- No
- Yes: ___
Chatting buddy:
- How do you feel about your conversation with your chatting buddy? (10 means happy and joyful, 1 means quite embarrassing)
- How do you feel about your chatting buddy conversation attitude? (10 means enthusiastic and active, 1 means cold and dull)
- What do you think can be improved on the chatting task?
- Shorten the chat duration
- Provide optional topics
- Add some interesting interaction
- Hope to learn more details of the company
- I want to match people who are related to my position
- I hope to match people who do not have many business dealings with me
- I want to match someone close to my personality
- I want to match someone with a different personality with me
- Other___
- None
Onboarding assistant:
- Do you think your onboarding assistant has done his/her responsibilities to help you get started with the company's basic operations? (10 means very responsible, 1 means irresponsible)
- Do you think your onboarding assistant is professional in onboarding training? (10 means quite professional, 1 means unprofessional)
- Do you think your onboarding assistant has solved all the puzzles when you entered the company? (10 means really helpful, 1 means nothing to help)
- What do you think of your onboarding assistant's attitude towards onboarding work? (10 means serious and rigorous, 1 means too slack)
- Do you think there can be some improvements in the work of your onboarding assistant? (Multiple choice)
- Introduce the company's culture more
- Shorten the duration of daily meetings
- Add more reminders when newcomers perform onboarding tasks
- Stay more away from newcomers appropriately
- Stay more close to newcomers appropriately
- Activate the atmosphere between all members during the onboarding process
- More information about what may be involved in the follow-up work
- More explanation about the company regulation and rules
- Improve the way or channels when giving feedback to newcomers
- Other____
- None
The warm up task
Task attributes:
- Do you think the content of the task is clear and easy to understand? (10 for very easy to understand, 1 for obscure and difficult to understand)
- Do you think the difficulty of the task is acceptable to you? (10 means very acceptable, 1 means unacceptable)
- Do you think the duration of the task description is reasonable? (10 means very reasonable, 1 means very unreasonable)
- Do you think the task is relevant to your position? (10 means closely related, 1 means irrelevant)
Task session design:
- Do you think the task outputs (such as documents, code files, etc.) required for this task are reasonable? (10 means very reasonable, 1 means very unreasonable)
- Do you think the document specification is easy to grasp? (10 means very good to master, 1 means very difficult to master)
- Do you think the specific requirements of the document are clear? (10 means very clear, 1 means very ambiguous)
- Do you think that the task process will help you make the task plan well? (10 means very helpful, 1 means very unfavorable)
Task process:
- When encountering difficulties, did your help-seeking process go smoothly? (10 means very smooth, 1 means very unsatisfactory)
- During the task execution, do you often communicate with your mentor? (10 means quite frequent, 1 means almost no communication)
- During the task execution, do you often communicate with other members of the same group? (10 means quite frequent, 1 means almost no communication)
- Do you think the sub-task content of the task is reasonable? (10 means very reasonable, 1 means very unreasonable; if there are no subtasks, no need to choose)
- Do you think the difficulty of the subtasks is reasonable? (10 means very reasonable, 1 means very unreasonable; if there are no subtasks, no need to choose)
- Do you think it is necessary to design the subtasks of this warm-up task? (10 means very necessary, 1 means completely unnecessary; if there are no subtasks, no need to choose)
The final report
Final report:
- Choose your ideal single-person PPT report duration (the current requirement is 7 minutes)
- Choose the ideal duration of the Q&A session (the current requirement is 7 minutes)
- How many people at most you think can report at the same time?
- Do you think the sessions of the final report are reasonable? (10 means very reasonable, 1 means very unreasonable)
- Do you think the questioning to you in the Q&A session is reasonable? (10 means very reasonable, 1 means very unreasonable)
- Do you think the questioning to you in the Q&A session is professional? (10 means very professional, 1 means very unprofessional)
- Any suggestions? (optional)(note: don't forget to take a screenshot after submitting)