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Coding and Comment Standard

Coding Standard

  • Naming
    • File/Folder naming: little camel
    • class naming: large camel
    • import naming:large camel
      • import 'xxxxx/xxx' as Config;
      • Config is large Camel
    • widget/function name: little camel
    • i18n language naming: snake case
      • naming_of_translation
  • Hierarchical management
    • Every time a new folder is created, a file with the same name as the folder is added as the export file, which should be added to the export file of the previous layer.
    • When adding a new file under a folder, add it to the file with the same name as the folder so that it can be exported to use globally.
    • Classes of the same type are placed in the same folder: such as api, entity, analytics, provider, etc.
    • Each folder is divided into: bloc, data, and presentation.
      • bloc folder is used to put: bloc, event, and state
      • data folder is used to put: function calls related to api
      • presentation folder is used to put: all UI
  • Sorting within files
    • import
      • dart library import
      • in project import
    • header
      • file comments: what this file does?
      • class name
      • possible parameters
    • content
      • parameters, variables, const
      • default function
        • initState
        • dispose
        • other functions with @override
        • build
      • other functions and widgets

Comment Standard

  • Common Standard
    • comment language: English
    • comments before code
    • Write it out as a bullet point
    • start the comment with the current version number
    • Use /// (triple slashes) for explanatory comments before the comment body
    • Use // (double slash) in code to comment out temporarily disabled code
  • file comments
    • Outline the main purpose of the content of the document
    • If a single file contains multiple widgets or classes, write their purpose separately before each widget, class, and functions
  • function comments
    • Outline the [input] and [output] of the function
      • Clarify what the different inputs represent
      • clarify what the output can be used for
    • Parameters involved in comments should be marked with [] to distinguish them from other comments
      • eg. [input] contains the number of input
  • parameter comments
    • Describe what the parameter represents.
  • note
    • Always comment when not sure whether comment is needed
    • Do not need comments when:
      • the name can fully and plainly summarize its purpose
    • Minimize the use of acronyms and other types of abbreviations in comments, except for conventional expressions