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OKRs at Hyletic

At Hyletic, we believe in setting clear objectives and tracking key results to drive our company's growth and success. OKRs are a powerful framework that helps us align our teams and individuals with our overall mission and strategic goals. In this document, we will explore how OKRs are implemented at Hyletic and the benefits they bring to our organization.

What are OKRs?

OKRs, which stands for Objectives and Key Results, is a goal-setting methodology that originated at Intel and was popularized by companies like Google. It is a simple but effective framework that helps organizations set ambitious goals and measure progress towards achieving them.

  • Objectives: Objectives are high-level, qualitative goals that define what we want to achieve. They should be inspiring, ambitious, and aligned with our company's mission and vision. Objectives provide a clear direction for our teams and individuals to focus their efforts.

  • Key Results: Key Results are specific, measurable, and time-bound milestones that indicate progress towards achieving the objectives. They provide measurable outcomes that define success and enable us to track our progress. Key Results should be challenging yet achievable and directly contribute to the success of the objectives.

OKRs at Hyletic

At Hyletic, OKRs are an integral part of our planning and performance management process. Here's how we implement OKRs at our organization:

Alignment with Company Strategy

Our OKRs are designed to align with our company's overall strategy and mission. We ensure that our objectives and key results are in line with our long-term vision and the strategic priorities we have identified. This alignment helps us focus our efforts on the most important initiatives that will drive our company's growth and success.

Cascading OKRs

OKRs are cascaded throughout the organization to ensure alignment and clarity at all levels. Our company-level objectives are translated into team-level objectives, which are further broken down into individual objectives. This cascading process ensures that everyone understands how their work contributes to the larger organizational goals and fosters a sense of ownership and accountability.

Iterative and Agile Approach

We follow an iterative and agile approach to setting and reviewing OKRs. OKRs are set on a quarterly basis, allowing us to adapt and respond to changing market dynamics and business priorities. Regular check-ins and progress reviews help us stay on track and make necessary adjustments to our objectives and key results.

Stretch and Ambitious Goals

We believe in setting stretch and ambitious goals that challenge our teams and individuals to go above and beyond. We encourage a growth mindset and embrace failure as an opportunity for learning and improvement. By setting ambitious OKRs, we push the boundaries of what we can achieve and drive innovation and continuous improvement.

Transparency and Communication

OKRs are transparently shared across the organization to foster collaboration and alignment. We encourage open communication and collaboration among teams to share insights, best practices, and resources. This transparency allows everyone to understand the progress being made towards the objectives and provides an opportunity for cross-functional collaboration to achieve key results.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

OKRs are not just about achieving goals; they also serve as a tool for continuous learning and improvement. We encourage regular reflection and evaluation of our OKRs to identify areas for improvement and celebrate successes. This feedback loop helps us learn from our experiences, refine our goal-setting process, and drive continuous growth and development.

Benefits of OKRs at Hyletic

Implementing OKRs at Hyletic brings several benefits to our organization:

  1. Alignment: OKRs align our teams and individuals with our company's mission and strategic goals, ensuring everyone is working towards a common purpose.

  2. Focus: OKRs provide clarity and focus, helping us prioritize our efforts on the most important initiatives that drive our company's growth.

  3. Accountability: OKRs create a sense of ownership and accountability at all levels, ensuring that everyone understands their role in achieving the company's objectives.

  4. Transparency: OKRs promote transparency and open communication, fostering collaboration and alignment across teams and departments.

  5. Agility: The iterative and agile nature of OKRs allows us to adapt and respond to changing market dynamics, ensuring we stay relevant and competitive.

  6. Continuous Improvement: OKRs serve as a tool for continuous learning and improvement, enabling us to learn from our experiences and drive innovation.

By implementing OKRs, Hyleticms to create a high-performance culture that drives innovation, collaboration, and growth, ultimately helping us achieve our mission of empowering AI transformation.

Note: The information in this document is subject to change as Hyletic evolves and adapts its OKR practices.

Who sets OKRs?

Generally, we do OKRs up to the team level. As a company, we don't do individual OKRs, but some functions may. For example, in the Engineering Division Staff-level (and above) individual contributors have OKRs. However, it is not required of Staff Product Designers at this time. Also, individual contributors in the Engineering Division who are not required to do OKRs are welcome to do them with their manager. It's a useful way to prepare for a managerial career, or to align one's activities with the broader goals of the company.

An individual might also have OKRs if they represent a unique team. For example, individual SDRs don't have OKRs, the SDR team does. If Legal is one person but represents a unique function, Legal has OKRs. Part of the individual performance review is the answer to: how much did this person contribute to the team objectives?

OKR resources: